We invent platforms and build companies that change the world.

We Are
Our process to create breakthrough companies begins with seemingly unreasonable “what-if” questions that catapult us far beyond the shores of current knowledge. We encourage our teams to dream big, leap boldly, and imagine alternative futures without the constraint of reason. We then navigate to transformational outcomes through rigorous science.
Our Process
We Are
We have founded more than 100 first-in-category bioplatform companies designed to generate multiple products that secure a healthier and more sustainable future. Our focus on bioplatforms and patentable white spaces builds powerful, enduring value. And our unique model enables these bold ideas to be conceived, created, and capitalized in-house.
Our Companies
We Are
We are a brave and bold organization of creative-thinkers with insurgent mindsets and corporate-builders with incumbent expertise. Our exceptional scientist-entrepreneurs and professionals are bonded by a culture and process that amplifies the diverse talents of each individual through teamwork and mentorship. Together, we are on a mission to harness the 21st century's most powerful technological forces for good to deliver a better future for all.
Jobs at ƹƵapp and our companies
If you’re ready to dream big and leap boldly, join us on our mission to imagine and deliver a better future for all.
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